Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally...a loose tooth!!

Oh how he's been waiting for this day!!!
A few months back Nicolas came home and asked "why am I the only one in my class that hasn't lost a tooth yet? Everyone else has and they have BIG teeth Mom."

My response "consider yourself lucky Nick, it just means that it's less time that you'll have to go walking around with teeth looking bigger than the rest of your face!"
He was so excited to have a loose tooth, that is...until he started to eat breakfast, then it turned into whining. It was rough for a few days.In this picture above, he's got a bit of a crooked smile, he told me that "my tooth is bothering me and I can't smile right!"
he's use to the loose tooth now, and had no problem eating about a dozen sugar cookies as he decorated them. We're still waiting for it to come out...

Since he's our first, I need to get some feedback on the whole tooth fairy thing. What do you do? Traditions? Any ideas?
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carla said...

he has been lucky so far. wendi's new teeth are bigger than her whole body. poor thing. :)

Charity said...

Ha, Ha you are so funny I love the "it just means that it's less time that you'll have to go walking around with teeth looking bigger than the rest of your face!"
Too true :)

Zanie-Chan said...

Yay, I can't believe he finally lost his first tooth!!!! I'll bet he was ECSTATIC!!!! He looks just as happy as ever!!!! I miss his energy so much!!!!
<33 Zane